Contributions to bursaries fund doctorate and post-doctoral research on a range of areas associated with Herculaneum, resulting in the publication of articles and books. Reports are included regularly in the Society’s Newsletters. Scholarships and bursaries funded by the Friends of Herculaneum Society include:

2006 | Mantha Zarmakoupi, “A Digital Reconstruction of the Villa of the Papyri with Virtual Reality Tour” |
2008 | Duncan Keenan-Jones, “Tracing the Water Supply at Herculaneum” |
Ciro Montella, “‘Aspects and Problems of Insula II at Herculaneum”‘ | |
2009 | Antonio Parisi, Edition of Herculaneum Papyrus 831 |
2010 | Niki Savvides, “Visitor Experience and Sustainable Conservation of Heavily Visited Archaeological Sites: The Case of Herculaneum” |
2011 | Maria Cristina Fimiani, awarded in conjunction with the Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi “Marcello Gigante” for work on the Thesaurus Herculanensium Voluminum (online digitisation of the Herculaneum Papyri) and PHerc 1423 (Philodemus, On Rhetoric Book IV) |
2012 | Simona Formola, awarded in conjunction with the Centro Herculaneum for work on pre-Roman Herculaneum |
2013 | Sarah Hendricks, working on the Latin papyri at Herculaneum |
Gertjan Verhasselt, working on the fragments of the Peripatetic philosopher Dicaearchus in the Herculaneum papyri | |
Federica Nicolardi, for work on the reconstruction of Philodemus, On Rhetoric Book I | |
2014 | Maria Luigia Bonaschi, working on the history of conservation at Herculaneum, particularly under Amedeo Maiuri |
2016 | Stefano Napolitano, working on Herculaneum Papyrus 990 (Epicurus, On Nature) |
Sergio Carrelli, for work on the digitisation of all historic catalogues of the Herculaneum Papyri | |
Claire Weiss, for study of the urban geography of Herculaneum, particularly the use of the pavements | |
2019 | Marzia D’Angelo, for her project “A New Theological Work by Philodemus of Gadara in the Herculaneum Library. A Systematic Study of PHerc. 89/1383 (Philodemus, Opus Incertum, ὑποµνηµατικόν)” |
Aude Durand, for her project “«Bonus deus hic habitat in domo Acti» (CIL, IV, 8417): Religious Practices of Craftsmen and Traders in Herculaneum and Other Sites in the Bay of Naples.” | |
2021 | Alessia Lavorante, edition of PHerc 1413, Epicurus On Time 202 |
2023 | Adam Bracchi, for his project “Displays of Wealth in Late Republican Italy” |
Roberto Melfi, for his project “M. Nonius Balbus and the Trade in Cretain Wine at Herculaneum” |
The Society has also provided financial support for the publication of D. Delattre’s edition of Philodemus, On Music Book IV.