Your membership will do great things for Herculaneum, enable you to enjoy all the benefits, and bring you into contact with like-minded people. Membership of the Friends of Herculaneum Society is open to everyone, whether resident of the UK, the USA, the EU, or further afield. Membership categories and rates are listed in the table below.
Discounts apply for choosing Direct Debit.
If you would also like to consider making a donation to provide additional support to one of the Society’s research projects, please click here for further information.
Type of membership | UK membership fee | EU membership fee | US membership fee |
Standard | |||
Individual Direct Debit Cash, cheque, money order, credit card | £ 70 £ 75 | € 85 € 90 | $ 100 $ 110 |
Joint Direct Debit Cash, cheque, money order, credit card | £ 105 £ 110 | € 125 € 130 | $ 140 $ 150 |
Benefactor | £250 or more | € 300 or more | $325 or more |
Concession | |||
Individual Direct Debit Cash, cheque, money order, credit card | £ 40 £ 45 | € 45 € 50 | $ 55 $ 60 |
Joint Direct Debit Cash, cheque, money order, credit card | £ 60 £ 65 | € 70 € 75 | $ 80 $ 85 |
Student Direct Debit Cash, cheque, money order, credit card | £ 15 £ 18 | € 20 € 25 | $ 25 $ 30 |
Schools | |||
Direct DebitCash, cheque, money order, credit card | £30 £35 | € 35 € 40 | $ 40 $ 45 |