Thanks very much for choosing to join the Friends of Herculaneum[1]. Your membership will do great things for Herculaneum.
Select your membership type (schedule of fees and benefits here) and click on the links below to go to PayPal’s secure website or to pay through the Charities Aid Foundation. You do not need an account with either organisation and can use your credit or debit card if you wish.
Please consider paying your subscription by Direct Debit, which not only gives you a discounted rate but makes renewal an easy matter. Choose your membership type and click on the Join(Direct Debit) button below to pay through PayPal. When referred to their site, either sign in, or click on ‘Pay by Debit or Credit Card’ ; you will then be able to take out a subscription, which will renew until cancelled. If you pay through CAF, choose ‘I’d like to give regularly’. If you choose Single Payment, the next payment will be due on 1 July of the following calendar year and 1 July of each year thereafter. We’ll remind you a month ahead of time.
In either case please consider adding Gift-Aid to your membership by clicking the relevant button on PayPal or CAF. If you are a UK resident and taxpayer Gift-Aid increases the value of your membership by 25%.[2]
Direct Debit
Single Payment
To pay via the Charities Aid Foundation, you can set up one-off or recurring payments by clicking on the button below (note that CAF does not distinguish between memberships and donations). If the membership category you want is not listed, please write the relevant amount in the ‘Other’ box.

To make an additional Gift-Aidable donation to one of our projects promoting education and research at Herculaneum, please click here. The Society treats your data securely in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU. For our Privacy Policy, please click here.
[1] The Friends of Herculaneum is the name of the body of public members of the incorporated, registered charity The Herculaneum Society (Charity Registration number 1104632; Registered Company number 05153841). By joining the Friends you also become a non-trustee member of the Herculaneum Society. All funds are held and disbursed on behalf of the Friends by the Herculaneum Society.
[2] Gift Aid contributions are regarded as having had the basic tax rate of 20% deducted by the donor. Charities take your donation and reclaim the basic rate tax from HMRC. For example, if you Gift Aid a donation of £10, the Charity will receive £12.50. More information is available from